Nordic Tug Fleet List:
This list is sourced from the SENTOA.ORG website. Volunteers in conjunction with the Nordic Tugs factory, try to maintain an up-to-date list of all Nordic Tugs built, who owns them, the tug's name, hailing port, and contact information. Adobe PDF files of the most recent Fleet List are conveniently available on their website sorted alphabetically by the boat's name, by hull number, by hailing port and by state and province. It's handy to have access to this list when you are cruising and spot another Nordic Tug.
Also available is a list of tugs that don't have recent information. If your tug appears on this list, if it does not appear in the Fleet List, if the data in the Fleet List is incorrect for your tug or if you have a correction to another owner's tug, please complete the Fleet List Update Form and submit it so that the volunteers at SENTOA can update the Fleet List.
Please be sure to visit the SENTOA website for recent updates and other useful information. NENTOA thanks them for their diligence and efforts to maintain and update the Fleet List on an ongoing basis.