NENTOA, The NorthEast Nordic Tug Owners Association, is committed to enhance ownership experiences, and to help maximize the value of owning a Nordic Tug. This mission is achieved by communicating and sharing experiences, cruising information, and ownership knowledge amongst the Nordic Tug owners and community. It’s an organization comprised of Nordic Tug dealers, enthusiasts and owners, committed to providing assistance, cruises and flotillas, an annual rendezvous, and other trawler centric social and educational activities amongst the Northeast Nordic Tug community. New members are always welcome!
Current Officers As Of April, 2022
Richard Paul and Ray Munn. •. Co-Commodores
Bob Geary •. Vice-Commodore
Joe Pucciarelli • Rear Commodore
Nancy Rhodes • Secretary
Steve Carr •. Treasurer
Officers (left to right): Nancy Rhodes (Secretary), Steve Carr (Treasurer), Bob Geary (Vice Commodore), Ray Munn (Co-Commodore), Richard Paul (Co-Commodore), Joe Pucciarelli (Rear Commodore), Richard Libin (Outgoing Commodore)
Contact Information…
Ray Munn. •. Co-Commodore. •.
Richard Paul • Co-Commodore. •
Bob Geary • Vice-Commodore •.
Joe Pucciarelli • Rear Commodore. •.
Nancy Rhodes • Secretary •.
Steve Carr • Treasurer. •.
This site is sponsored and maintained by Wilde Yacht Sales LLC. •. •. 860-767-2540